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Advance Invoice

In this tab, it is possible to manage the advance invoices related to the project, which can be associated with documents in the project area, such as intervention requests, planned interventions, and interventions. The association with the documents can occur automatically by configuring specific parameters in the project area, or manually. Indicating this information within the individual documents allows for the automatic cancellation of advance invoices in the final invoices issued from the valuation of interventions.

The rows in this tab contain the items to be invoiced with their specific characteristics:

Line type: you can choose between type 1-Coded or 2-Uncoded.

Units of Measure: The allowed units of measure are only of type "Time". However, advance invoices can be used to cover both services and materials, as well as ancillary costs that have units of measure different from "Time".

Quantity: quantity of the advance invoice, used as the starting value to calculate and update the remaining quantity.

Unit price: value used as the unit price both in the advance invoice and in the cancellation lines of the advance invoice.

Sales Invoices: contains the reference of the advance invoice generated by the project.

Type: you can choose the type of invoicing between On account and To Balance;

Residual quantity: With each valuation of interventions, the corresponding value will be deducted from the original quantity to obtain an updated remainder. The remainder can still be updated manually via the appropriate button Update Advance invoice.

Last Update Date of Remaining: indicates the date of the update of the remaining quantity.

Active from: date from which the advance invoice is active, used for proposals in the documents.

Closed date: date when the advance invoice is closed, after which it will no longer be possible to associate documents with a later date.

For each line, it is possible to issue an invoice directly from this screen using the appropriate button Valorize. A message will be given to choose whether to open the generated invoice or not. If the Valuate button is not active, check if the Invoice type has been specified in the relevant Project Type, which is necessary to generate the invoice.

Example of Management In the item line, enter the expected quantity and the unit price. During the valuation of interventions containing references to advance invoices, the cancellation line referring to the advance invoice will be automatically inserted. The total of the cancellation line will correspond to the sum of all the values to which the advance invoice has been associated, whether they are services, materials, or expenses. An advance invoice can be used to cover only partially an intervention, associating it for example only with services and not with materials and expenses. The unit price of the cancellation line will be taken from the unit price of the advance invoice present in the project. Consequently, the quantity to be canceled will be calculated in proportion to the total to be canceled / unit price of the advance invoice.

Example: Advance invoice quantity 10, UM days, unit price €500, total €5000

Intervention Service 1 day, €500 associated with the advance invoice Material 3 pieces, total €300 associated with the advance invoice

From the valuation of interventions, you will obtain: Service 1 day, €500 Material 3 pieces, total €300 Cancellation of advance invoice quantity 1.6, UM days, unit price €500, total line -€800

Through the control of the remaining Advance invoice, there will be a remaining balance of 8.4 days.