Report Project Details
This report displays all documents related to a project line, even if they pertain to other areas of the ERP. Only "last-level" documents are reported: if the project is included in the supplier offer, which has been fulfilled in a supplier order, which has been fulfilled in a purchase delivery note, only the purchase delivery note will be shown in the printout. The documents that can be printed are: orders, delivery notes (ddt), invoices (both purchase and sales), interventions, and accounting records. For them to be reported, it is necessary that the project is indicated in the header as well as in the lines, and that the documents are marked as checked.
Project type: filter by project type
From insert date: filter by project entry date
From insert date: filter by project entry date
From Expected Delivery Date - To Expected Delivery Date: in the case of processing with document filter for "Ordered," the expected delivery date entered in the order is considered.
Client: filter by customer
Print Details - Items: you can choose to print the individual project lines or only the Header
Number: filter for specific project
From Confirmation Date - To Confirmation Date: filter for project confirmation date.
ITEM: filter for a specific item.
Document filter for date: Ordered filters for orders, Invoiced filters for invoices From date - To date.