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The CRP – Capacity Requirements Planning module provides the ability to control the commitment of productive resources through several tools, such as Work Center Capacity, Gantt Simulation, and Phase Sequence, which allow for the analysis, modification, and rearrangement of planned production, purchasing, and subcontracting orders based on the needs of business management.

Area Modules

CRP – Capacity Requirements Planning

Work Center Capacity

Allows for immediate visualization of the loads of each active work center within specific departments over a given time period, enabling quick identification of any peaks in overload or production inefficiency.

Gantt Simulation

Enables effective planning and monitoring of project activities, optimizing the management of time and resources.

Phase Sequence

Lets you organize production phases through a manual sequence or based on user-defined rules.

To get started using

Work Center Capacity and Phase Sequence:

Connections with other modules

These are closely linked to the Item Register, Bills of Materials, Work Cycles, Work Centers, Planned Orders, and Production Orders.