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New Marketing Campaign

The screen is composed of three parts:

  • the first part at the top presents any workflows associated with the Campaign; please refer to the relevant guide on Workflows for more information;
  • the central part presents the Header, with general information, some mandatory and some not;
  • below are various tabs, which display the different operations performed.

We list the fields present in the header of the Marketing Campaign.

Campaign Type: indicates the type of campaign to create; the campaign types differ by code, description, numeration, and budgeting period.

Number/Version/Date: these fields are filled in automatically;

Distribution List: it is possible to associate the campaign with a specific List previously coded, but it is also possible to choose an empty list and enter contacts manually; in an outbound campaign, generally, the contacts are already present, and they will be all those to whom an email will be sent, for example.

Campaign category: it is possible to associate a category, which consists of a code and description;

Marketer referrer: this field automatically proposes the user who creates the campaign, but another user can be indicated manually. The email of the user is displayed in the field below.

Commercial referrer: this field automatically proposes the user who creates the campaign, but another user can be indicated manually. The email of the user is displayed in the field below.

Budget period: this field is proposed based on the selected Campaign type;

Account: it is possible to allocate a general ledger account;

Project: this field includes the Project linked to the Campaign;

Validity dates: these fields contain the start date and any end dates;

In the subsequent fields, the Country (automatically proposed), Zone, Language, and Currency are requested.

Propose lead creation date: this flag fills in the field in the appropriate tab at the time of contact with the potential customer.

Title: this field is automatically filled based on the type of campaign and its numeration;

Contacts made: this flag makes visible, in the Contacts tab, the contacts for which the marketing campaign has already begun.

Now, let’s move on to the tabs below.


The contacts recipients of the Marketing Campaign are present; it is possible to add new ones by clicking the New button in the ribbon bar: you will be asked for the Insert Date, the Lead Creation Date (this field will also be automatically filled in the Leads tab), the Contact, etc.

By selecting the Contacts for which you want to proceed with the Marketing Campaign, you can click the Email button in the ribbon bar to proceed with sending emails.

Source Contacts

In this tab, all contacts belonging to the distribution list selected for this Campaign are displayed. The tab also presents a filter section that allows searching for contacts within the distribution list. To transfer Contacts from this tab to the Contacts tab, you must select the rows and click Insert contacts in the ribbon bar.


The specifications for creating the various contacts with the customers are present; it is possible to search for any leads already existing with the Lead Search button; similarly, they can be deleted with the Cancel button.


Manual entry of the costs for the Advertising Campaign is required; it is necessary to cost a campaign to be able to budget for marketing. Then, these costs can be effectively compared with the budget originally set.

It is therefore advisable to enter the actual costs in this tab to monitor a strategic activity.

Costs can be entered by clicking the buttons in the ribbon bar New costs or New costs per period.

Extra data

Allows for the entry of any extra data.