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POS Types

The POS type is used in order to determine properties of an invoice.

The ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The possible features list is the following: 

SearchButton to search a document type.
InsertButton to insert a new document type.
DeleteButton to delete the document type.
Print PreviewButton to perform the print preview.
PrintButton to print according to the filters set and to the printer configuration.
TypePOS type.
DescriptionPOS type description.
Num. Type / DescriptionNumeration type associated to the POS type.
DefaultIf it is set, it indicates the default POS type that is proposed at the creation of a new POS.
NotesDescriptive Notes for POS type in order to be used in reports.
Price with VATIf it is set, the POS prices include VAT.
AccountIf it is set, the POS has account type and it could be written off a normal POS.
Server P.O.SServer where it is possible to read and/or write POS data.
Database P.O.SDatabase where it is possible to read and/or write POS data.
P.O.S. TableTable where it is possible to read and or write POS data.
Table Coll. DocumentsTable where it is possible to read and/or write documents data linked to POS.
Rounding UMUM used in order to create DN and POS invoices.
Arr. VAT / VAT DescriptionVAT code used in order to create DN and POS invoices.
POSPoint of sale in which it is possible to create POS.
CounterCounter Code to be linked to POS.
Prod. Cat.Product Category.
VATVAT Code to be used in POS.
WarehouseWarehouse for goods contained in this type of POS.
TemplateMovement template of goods contained in this type of POS.
Payment TypePayment type proposed into this type of POS.
Payment SolutionPayment solution proposed into this type of POS.
Price ListGeneral price list code from which it is possible to take items prices to be inserted into POS.
Validity DateValidity date of the general price list.
Automatic Unload when Closing ConsiderationIf it is set, when POS is printed, it is automatically unloaded from warehouse.
It is necessary cash registerIf it is set, in order to use POS it is necessary to link it to a cash register and print the receipt.
View VariantsIf it is set, it is possible to use even the item variants.
View AttributesIf it is set, it is possible to use even the item attributes.