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Production Capacity Calendar

The window appears as a table within which as many boxes are displayed as there are days in the selected month in the top right.
In the first field, you will find the Month and the Year of reference, which can be selected via the combo box and the editable field next to it or by clicking the Previous/Next Year and Previous/Next Month buttons.

Below, there are a series of combos, within which you will select the Work Center for which you want to create the calendar, the Machine, and the Labour Group.

In each box, there is a flag that, if activated, indicates that the day in question is Holiday.
The designation of a specific day as Holiday allows the user to ensure that when generating the Production Capacity Calendar, the application automatically generates availability of the Production Resources only for the days identified as non-holidays in the Factory Calendar.

In addition to this flag, within each box, the productive capacity hours of that work center (for how many hours per day it operates) will also be visible and/or modifiable.

It is possible to establish that the work center operates every day except on holidays, and in the case of Exceptions, it will be enough to position yourself on the day you wish to modify and add/remove the flag and add/remove the working hours.

The production capacity calendar takes precedence over the factory calendar.

Once the various fields are set, simply click the Save button.

Specific button:

Automatic Generation: allows you to enter the window to set various parameters for generating a common calendar for multiple work centers with fixed parameters for all months of the year. Thanks to this button, once the parameters for the common calendar are entered, you can proceed to its actual creation.

For everything not detailed in this document regarding the common functioning of the forms, refer to the following link Custom Features, Buttons, and Fields.