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MS Parameters

Through this window, all parameters regarding the management of production orders and how the subsequent phases after the generation of the orders themselves should be managed are set.

Method of job order generation

In this section, the Job Order Type (Single Product / Multi Product) must be set, which will be proposed in the procedure Production Job Order generation, tab Parameters.
At the time of generating the order from the Production Order Generation, it is possible to modify this setting, as well as the subsequent combo called Grouping for, which allows you to indicate how items should be grouped within the same order Monoproduct or Multiproduct.

If the Job order type is:

  • Monoproduct, the only allowed grouping is by Item: this management type allows the user to automatically generate a series of single product orders by selecting a list of customer order lines, lines coming from Sales Forecasts, or the Master Production Plan, or from Stock Out, ensuring that each generated order presents the sum of the requested quantities for the same item. The end date of a grouped order is always equal to that of the requirement closest to the date when the processing is launched.
  • Multiproduct, groupings can be made by customer, sales order, customer/order, allowing the user to include multiple items from customer order lines linked to the same customer, the same sales order, or the same sales order of the same customer in the same Multi Product order.

The field Procurement Priority allows you to enter a default value for the priority of the created orders; this will be considered by the Finite Capacity Scheduling.

Order Generation From

In this section, the user can set with the appropriate flags whether the order should be generated from Sales Orders or from a Forecast (specifically, they can select whether from Sales Forecast, and/or from Master Production Schedule).
These parameters can then be modified from the Production Order Generation window.
In the case of Production Order Generation from Forecast, it must be specified whether the production order should be generated with a weekly or monthly deadline.

Consider availabilities from
In this section, the user can decide to set the consideration of the availability of finished products during the generation of the production order from: Subcontractor, Purchases, Sales, Production, Warehouse.

There are then several flags:

Compute qty. according to item LeadTime: activated if the processing cycles are not to be used to calculate the duration of a production order; in this case, for the purpose of calculating the order duration, reference is made to the production lead time field present in the MRP Parameters of the item.

Automatic Order Generation from Customer Orders: if active, this allows the procedure to automatically create the production order as soon as a customer order line is inserted. The order in this case is created in the Not examined state. Generally, it is activated when using the MRP procedure for scheduling instead of the General Schedule.

Update ready goods date: if active, when the expected end date of processing in an order is changed (manually or through a procedure), the new date is also reflected in the Ready goods date field of the order itself and also of the connected customer order. Additionally, a log table named MS_ProductionJobOrderItemReadyGoodsDateLogs has been created to track all changes made. This can only be consulted via SQL.

Automatic generation of production flow: if active, the user can decide to activate the Scheduling flag, which allows the user to define the level of automation desired in the generation of the production flow; this flow will be started directly with the Flow generation button present in the Production Order Generation.
For example, the user can activate the Scheduling flag, which allows the production orders to already be scheduled as soon as they are generated by the Production Order Generation. Activating the Scheduling flag in turn allows the Release flag to be activated, which allows the user to decide whether the scheduled purchase, production, and/or work account orders should also be released automatically after the automatic scheduling. In this last case, for the scheduled production orders, the Release the executive production orders flag can also be activated, which allows direct generation of executable production orders, thereby bypassing the Release Production Orders procedure.


This automation can also be activated upon confirmation of the customer order only if the Production Job Order Type has been entered in the Sales Order Types table and the Production Order Generation flag has been activated.
It is noted that to trigger the automation, the customer order must be Confirmed, Printed, and the delivery dates and Goods ready must be present in all item lines.

Production job order costing

In this section, parameters can be indicated that will be proposed as defaults for the costing of production orders.

Cost Type: allows you to specify the type of cost to be used for costing raw materials among Last, Average, and Standard;
Markup Type: allows you to indicate the type of markup between Cost (value-based) and Percent Completed; the corresponding value can be entered in the adjacent field;
Cost of the batch: activating this flag, the procedure will value the cost of the material based on the selected cost type considering the values only of that specific batch;
Cost for Production job order: activating this flag, the procedure will value the cost of the material based on the selected cost type considering the values only of that specific order.


If both Cost of the batch and Cost for Production job order are activated, the procedure will value the cost of the material based on the selected cost type considering the values only of that specific order and for that specific batch.

Warehouses for job order planning

This grid is a simple visualization of the list of warehouses on which the availability must be checked during the generation of the production order. This list is set in the form called Calculate Availability found under Home > Items > Availability Calculation.

Parameters proposed for planning: allows you to define which parameters to propose for planning; it can re-propose the parameters from the last planning performed or propose the parameters used for planning by the individual operator.

Days for next planning: indicates the number of days that will be used to increment the start date of the finite capacity scheduling (field From the date), in the Finite capacity scheduling parameters tab of the Finite Capacity Scheduling form.

Maximum number of months for planning: indicates the number of months to add to the current date to determine the end scheduling date Planning until present in the parameters of the General planning.

Maximum Number of Months for Material Availability Calculation: it is possible to define the time horizon for calculating availability, specifically the number of months in which documents will be considered; whereas, documents with dates later than the months taken into consideration will not be included in the scheduling.

First day of the week visualized in the factory calendar: allows you to enter the day that you want to appear as the first day of the workweek in the Factory Calendar. Usually, Monday is entered.

Job order colors

In this section, you can set the background and text colors of production orders based on their status (unexamined, launched, etc.).

For everything not detailed in this document about the common functioning of forms, please refer to the following link Common Features, Buttons, and Fields.