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Credit Management

This form allows you to verify and manage the credit settings of customer registries, without having to enter each one individually through the contact management in the 'Home' - 'Registers' - 'Contact Registries' tab.

There are four types of credit control implemented:

Block documents and monitor credit: the document from the sales area that exceeds the credit limit will be blocked, and it will be necessary to authorize it to proceed to the subsequent phases of the document flow;

Reliance monitor: a credit check will simply be performed with a potential message to the user indicating the occurrence of the exceeded limit;

Group lock: similar to the first, but the calculation is cumulative for all companies in the database that belong to the same customer registry;

Group monitor: similar to the second, but the calculation is cumulative for all companies in the database that belong to the same customer registry.

The insured credit field is only a reference and is not actively managed by the program, as are the credit notes.