Insert Subcontractor Price Lists
From this application, it will be possible to enter subcontractor price lists.
Upper Section
In the upper section, it is necessary to enter the Supplier. In the input form, the values for the From validity date field (the current date is proposed for the start of validity) and the Currency (the company's currency is proposed, but it can be modified) are automatically suggested. Any Discount price list from registry is displayed, and it is possible to enter Notes.
In the upper section, there is also the filter to search for Items within the price list.
In this form, the Items and any discounts associated with this price list will be indicated.
Class/Item/Description: indicate the item code to be included in the price list. The description will be retrieved automatically based on the item code. To insert a new item into the grid, simply position on the line to fill in the various data or use the New Item button present in the ribbon bar.
Code/Variant Description: needed if, in addition to the item code, the variant distinguishes one item from another.
Phase code: it is possible to associate an eventual External Phase that will be performed by the contractor to the item. This way, it is possible to define a price for each phase of the same item; the Phase and Subphase fields will be filled in automatically;
Units of Measure: can be the management unit of the item or one of its alternative units of measure.
Quantity: proposed equal to 1, it is the reference quantity for the price; if different from 1, when calculating the price, it is divided by the price list quantity.
Price refers to the currency of the price list.
VAT: this field is retrieved. If not set on the customer, it will be necessary to populate this field with the VAT code.
Price including VAT: the system calculates this price based on the price and the VAT rate of the inserted VAT code.
Height/Width/Depth: informational data relating to the price list. The system does not use these fields for any calculations.
For each item in the price list, it is possible to enter some types of discount as explained below.
The Bracket type is indicated in the corresponding field, while the subsequent fields will display the data related to the items included in the price list.
These tiers are indicated in the Discount Types table.
On the right side of the form, there is a grid that lists all possible discounts for this item. These are filled only by selecting an item present in the price list.
These discounts are fixed discounts reported in the documents.
Below is the correct compilation of this grid:
N: populated by the system, indicates the order in which discounts are considered.
Discount Type/Description: select the discount type from those present. Standardly, 3 different types are expected: Commercial Discount, Discount per quantity, and Discount per value.
Value: set the percentage of discount to apply.
Priority: this priority is brought from the settings made in the Discount Types table.
Casc./Amount: populated from the value entered in the Discount Types table.
Quantity Discounts
This type of discount can have different percentages based on the quantity.
Type: set the discount type to be Discount per quantity. This indication will then be printed.
Quantity: set the quantity for which the discount will be activated.
Percent Completed: enter the percentage discount upon reaching the indicated quantity.
Value Discounts
In this type, the discount occurs when a certain amount per line is reached.
Type: set the discount type to be Discount per value.
Value: set a value above which the discount occurs.
Percent Completed: enter the percentage discount upon reaching the value.
Price by Quantity
In this case, upon reaching a certain quantity, the unit price changes.
Quantity: set a value above which the "customized" price will be activated.
Unit price: enter the unit price for the ordered quantity.
These discounts will accumulate with any other potential discounts present.
For informational purposes, it is possible to enter notes related to a particular type of discounting.
Attached Documents
The details of any Attached Document (name, type of document, any notes, our/their reference) are displayed. For instructions on how to attach a document, please refer to the article Attach Documents.