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In the Summaries, the main information of the entire document is presented.

Final Discounts

The final discounts applied at the level of each individual item are distributed (or "spread") across each item line of the document. This means that the discount amount is proportionally divided among all the items present in the document, and the corresponding discount will be visible in the Items tab for each individual line.

  • Type/Description of discount: allows you to choose the types of discounts (preset in Discount Types), assigning the type the priority for discount application and whether the discount is calculated on the taxable amount or cascaded from previously applied discounts.
  • Priority: represents the priority of discount application; the ordering to be applied occurs in ascending order.
  • Cascade/Amount: to define whether the calculation of the discount uses as taxable the (price * quantity) - (discounts already calculated) or (price * quantity).
  • Value: numerical value of the final discount to be applied.

Expenses/Discounts/Final Increases

Expenses entered in the contact register are proposed in the Charges/Discounts tab. In this grid, any expenses should be entered as positive, and any discounts as negative.

These elements are applied to the totality of the document and are not distributed among the article lines. They may include additional costs, global discounts, or surcharges applied to the entire document. If set in the item registry, they are automatically proposed at the time of document creation.

  • Type/Description: allows you to choose the types of expense (predefined in the table Expense Types), assigning a percentage of the expense to apply to the type.
  • Charge amount: indicates the value of the expense expressed in the currency of the document.
  • VAT: indicates the VAT rate to be applied to the entered expenses.
  • Percentage/Value: indicates whether to calculate expenses with a percentage or with a predefined monetary value. By selecting Value, the expense amount should be entered under the corresponding heading.
  • Percent Completed: numeric value of the expense percentage.

Other Fields

Volume: the cumulative volume is proposed, resulting from the sum of the volumes of the items (the value is taken from Item Registry > Weights/Dimensions tab), when the unit of measure of the item volumes corresponds to that entered in the invoice parameters. Only items with this field filled will be taken into account;
Net weight: the cumulative net weight is proposed, resulting from the sum of the weights of the items (the value is taken from Item Registry > Weights/Dimensions tab), when the unit of measure of the item weights corresponds to that entered in the invoice parameters. Only items with this field filled will be taken into account;
Gross Weight: the cumulative gross weight is proposed, resulting from the sum of the weights of the items (the value is taken from Item Registry > Weights/Dimensions tab), when the unit of measure of the item weights corresponds to that entered in the invoice parameters. Only items with this field filled will be taken into account;
Packages: the number of packages is proposed, based on the data entered in the Item Registry > Weights/Dimensions tab, in the fields Items present in one package or Packages for item. Only items with this field filled will be taken into account.


The Transport made by present in Contact Registry > Delivery tab (/docs/erp-home/registers/contacts/create-new-contact/accounting-data/customer-vendors-data/delivery) (radio button: Sender/Recipient/Carrier) is proposed automatically, but the data can be modified.

Document Totals

Items gross amount: represents the sum of the values of all items;
On-account: represents the value of any deposit received for the document;
Amount giveaway: represents the amount of gift-type items entered in the Items tab;
Total discounts applied: represents the total value of discounts applied to the items, but excluding final discounts;
Items net amount: Items gross amountTotal discounts applied;
Total final discounts: represents the value of final discounts expressed as a percentage of the gross amount of items;
Net amount of final discounts: Items net amount - Total final discounts;
Collection charges: represents the sum of the collection fees entered in the Expenses grid;
Stamp charges: represents the sum of the stamp duty fees entered in the Expenses grid;
Origin amount: Items net amountFinal discounts + Total undocumented expenses + Total documented expenses;
VAT: represents the sum of the values contained in the VAT summaries;
Total: Origin amount + VAT.