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Customer Order Line Details

This form is a grid that presents each row with an item present in a customer order, along with a series of information regarding the item line and the corresponding customer order.
The grid allows users to view, select, and modify various information using the buttons in the toolbar.
The first column of the grid is a selection box. Using this box, the user can select one or more rows to apply the available operations from the toolbar:

Forced Fulfillment
Allows the forced fulfillment of the selected lines; this operation will insert the Forced Fulfilled flag in the order lines.

Modify prices
Allows modification of the unit price for the selected lines; a pop-up is opened to enter the price.

Allows changing the delivery date for the selected lines.

Edit notes
Enables the user to enter new notes related to the selected lines; a pop-up is opened to enter the note and there is a flag present to decide whether to delete or keep the pre-existing notes.

Modify quantity
Allows modification of the ordered quantity for the selected items.

Change price list
Allows changing the price list applied to the selected line; a pop-up is opened to search for the price list to assign to the item.

Execution property
Provides access to the Execution status form, where details of fulfillment for various items can be consulted.