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Interventions from Declared Activities

The first tab, Interventions from Declared Activities, is the filtering area, where it is possible to set a series of filters to more specifically search for activities present in the database.

Once the filters are entered, by clicking Search in the ribbon bar, the results will be presented in a grid.

The specific buttons in this tab are:

Set all as Invoiceable Activity: activates the Invoiceable activity flag in all selected activity rows in the grid;

Set all as Force Invoiced Activity: activates the Force Invoiced Activity flag in all selected rows;

Set all as Verified: sets the Activity status field to Verified in all selected rows;

Set all as Entered: sets the Activity status field to Inserted in all selected rows.

In the second tab, Parameters, you can enter the parameters to be used in the procedure:

Intervention type: contains the type of intervention to create;

Intervention date: contains the date of the intervention to create;

Time to pay:

In the combo box Time arrangement you can choose how to round the Time to pay between:

Round up to 0 minutes, when time is more than 0 minutes:

Round down to 0 minutes, when time is less than 0 minutes:

Do not round (if this option is selected, the Time to pay field cannot be filled);

The combo box Grouping allows you to group certain properties as you prefer: these groupings will be visible in the created intervention. In particular, you can choose to group by Item, Project Item, Account, Date, Employee, and/or Project. You can add properties to group through drag and drop. In the ribbon bar, there are some buttons that allow you to modify the Group grid:

Clear: clears all groupings;

Delete: deletes the selected grouping;

Move down: moves the selected grouping down one position;

Move up: moves the selected grouping up one position.

Other specific buttons in the ribbon bar are:

Recalculate time to pay: recalculates the Time to pay based on the set parameters;

Create intervention: creates the intervention starting from the selected activity in the filter tab; this button is also present in the first tab.

In the third tab, Currency adjustment rollback, you can restore the operations performed. By pressing Search, the operations and the users who performed them will be displayed; by selecting a row, the Working time configuration and Linked intervention grids below will show the details. To restore an operation, simply select the chosen row and press Rollback in the ribbon bar.