Activities from Interventions
Once the filters are set, just click Search in the ribbon bar to display the interventions in the grid. At the bottom, it is possible to enter the parameters that will be used by the procedure in case they have not been previously set in Parameters for user, Intervention Types, or Project parameters:
Activity type: indicates the type of activity to be created;
Asset: contains the resource for which to create the activity;
Force Activity Type: when active, allows setting the values defined above as priority; the values set in tables and parameters will not be read.
To execute the procedure, once the parameters are set, simply select the intervention row in the grid and click the Create button in the ribbon bar. The results of the procedure are visible in the Currency adjustment rollback tab. In it, by pressing the Search button in the ribbon bar, the operations performed are displayed. By selecting the row of the user who carried out the procedure, the grids below Resource activity and Intervention display the details of the operation. If you want to perform the Currency adjustment rollback of the procedure, select the chosen row and click Rollback in the ribbon bar.