Production Orders
Normally, production orders are automatically generated by the Release Planned Orders procedure. To manually create a production order, it is necessary to first create the planned production order and then release it through the dedicated procedure.
Production Order Header
In the header, all data related to the production order is summarized, such as: job number and reference customer, linked project, start/end date, article, bill of materials version, routing, quantity to be produced, etc.
Specific buttons:
Complete Orders Data: calls the procedure that allows entering and/or updating all data related to materials, phases, setup, equipment, attributes, and various notes for the article entered in the production order, pulling them from the bill of materials and routing of the article;
Recalculate Initial Date: Calls the procedure that allows updating the start date of the production order and, if necessary, the processing phases as a result of a change in processing times and/or the quantity to be produced for the article subject to the production order;
Generate Bill of Materials: allows generating the bill of materials based on the data entered in the production order or updating existing data with those entered in the order;
Generate Work Cycle: allows creating the work cycle of the article based on the data entered in the order, or updating existing data with those entered in the order;
Specific fields:
State: indicates the status of the production order: Launched is the initial state of the production order just generated by the planned order release procedure, while Executive is the status to be assigned to the order in order to proceed with production reporting.
In this tab, the first-level materials of the bill of materials related to the finished product to be produced are reported, but the user can modify the data and/or add additional materials to the list of components of the production order.
To import data directly from the bill of materials of the article, it is necessary to click on the Complete Orders Data button present in the ribbon bar.
Specific buttons:
Insert Material: allows inserting a new material into the grid;
Delete materials: allows deleting the materials entered in the grid.
Specific fields:
Priority: here the priority of the component, if present, is displayed, entered in the bill of materials. It can be modified like all other data present in this grid;
C/L: in this field, the flag from the article's MRP Parameters called 'consider in CL' is retrieved, which indicates whether the article should be included as a material in work orders;
Units of Measure: in this field, the alternative unit of measure of the article is inserted;
Usage date: coincides with the expected start date of the production order (changing the first will automatically change the latter);
Required Quantity: represents the unit quantity necessary for this article (as per the BOM) which can be modified;
Total Quantity: represents the quantity obtained by multiplying the Required Quantity by the Quantity to Produce;
Alternative Quantity: represents the total quantity expressed in the alternative unit of measure;
% scrap: in this box, the eventual % of waste for this article is entered or retrieved from the bill of materials;
Phase/Sub.: with a double click, a help window for processing phases opens from which the relevant phase and subphase can be selected, and then assign the selected material to a specific processing phase of the article;
Available Quantity: in this field, the available quantity of the article as of the usage date appears;
To be declared on mobile: if enabled, it will be declared on mobile.
In this tab, the phases of the work cycle related to the finished product to be produced are reported, but the user can modify the data and/or add additional phases to the production order.
To import data directly from the routing of the article, it is necessary to click on the Complete Orders Data button present in the ribbon bar. In the production order, a phase can be changed from internal to external, thus allowing the entry of the subcontractor, and upon saving, the procedure will create the work order. Moreover, if an external phase is converted into internal, the procedure will automatically delete the associated work order.
Specific buttons:
Insert phase: allows inserting a new phase into the grid;
Delete phase: allows deleting the phases entered in the grid.
Specific fields:
Phase Code/Phase/Subphase: with a double click, the relevant help for processing phases opens from which the corresponding phase and subphase can be selected;
Ctrl. qual.: this flag indicates whether the material should be subjected to quality control before its use;
Production Phase: if the flag is checked, it identifies that this phase is a production phase, and therefore, must be reported;
Work center: from this combo, the Work Center is set. It is automatically proposed, retrieved from the phase that was previously selected and entered in the grid;
Expected Start/End Date: these are the dates of the beginning and end of the relevant phase; changing the expected start and end dates will automatically modify these as well. They are calculated based on the times entered in the processing phases, and specifically based on the greater of the worker time and total machine time for the selected phase;
Machine time: is the time taken by the machine to carry out the phase, related to the quantity of pieces per phase;
Machine number: indicates the number of machines involved in this phase;
Quantity of Pieces per Phase: indicates the number of pieces per phase;
Worker time: is the time taken by the worker to perform this phase, related to the quantity of pieces per phase;
Workers number: is the number of workers involved in this phase;
Subcontractor Account/Subcontractor Description: with a double click on the box, the help opens to select the account and subaccount of the relevant subcontractor. This box is active only if the phase is designated as External phase. Note that the subcontractor is also retrieved from the processing phase entered in the routing of the article;
Work Order Created: if checked, indicates that the relevant work order has already been created;
Sequence: indicates the sequence in which that phase should be carried out; it can be modified directly from the production order.
Worker Cost: is valued from when I start making production reports;
Machine cost: is valued from when I start making production reports;
Rig cost: is valued from when I start making production reports.
Phases - Properties
Contains the properties related to the selected phase.
Phase/Subphase description: in this field, the description of the selected phase appears;
Type: in this combo, it is possible to set the type of processing (internal or external);
Overlap: through this combo, I can insert the type of any overlap between phases. We can have Total overlap (in this case, the phase in question is completely overlapped with the next indicated phase), By pieces (in this case, it is necessary to indicate after how many pieces produced by this phase the next phase will start), By time (in this case, it is necessary to indicate after how many minutes from when the phase in question started the next phase will start);
Times MU: in this combo box, the Time Unit of the Phase appears; one can decide to manage the times of the phase in seconds, minutes, hours, and days. Usually, internal phases are managed in minutes and external phases in days, but it obviously depends a lot on the type of company for which the work is being set up;
Machine: in this combo, the code (and description) of the relevant machine can be selected. It is automatically proposed, retrieved from the work center that was previously entered in the grid;
Labour group: in this combo, the code (and description) of the relevant labor group can be selected. It is automatically proposed, retrieved from the work center that was previously entered in the grid;
Overlapping Related to Phase/Subphase: here the code of the phase and subphase that have an overlap with the phase in question is indicated. Usually, the next phase is indicated, but again, this is just a convention;
Value: here the value of any overlap is indicated, using the criteria specified above;
Using: if the flag is activated, it means that the waiting/queue time will increase the commitment time of the Work Center on that phase;
Wait/queue time: indicates the possible waiting/queue time expected for this machine.
Phases - Extra Data
Contains any extra data related to the selected phase.
In this tab, it is possible to define the times related to the setup of the selected phase in the previous tab.
Specific fields:
Phase/Subphase: in these fields, the information regarding the phase that is selected in the Phases tab is displayed;
Type: indicates the type of phase (internal or external);
Overlay type: indicates the possible type of overlap;
Times MU: indicates the time unit of the phase;
Work center: in these fields, the code (and corresponding description) of the Work Center set for the setup is entered;
Machine: in these fields, the code (and corresponding description) of the machine for the setup is entered;
Labour group: in these fields, the code (and corresponding description) of the Labor Group for the setup is entered;
Value: indicates the value of any overlap;
CdL: in these fields, the code and description of the relevant Work Center of the selected phase are displayed;
Start date: will display the start date of the selected phase in the Phases tab;
End date: will display the end date of the selected phase in the Phases tab;
Rig time: the time of the setup is entered. This is a fixed time that does not vary with changes in the quantities to be produced in the selected phase;
Retooling time: the time of the re-setup that is added to the setup time;
Number of Machines: indicates the number of machines used for the setup;
Number of Workers: indicates the number of workers used for the setup.
In this tab, mainly consisting of a grid, it is possible to define which and how many pieces of equipment will be used in the production of the selected phase in the Phases tab.
Specific fields:
Sequence: in this field, it is possible to indicate the sequence in which the equipment must be used;
Equipments: with this combo box, it is possible to call the equipment code, retrieved from the appropriate table Equipment;
Item class/code: in these fields, it is possible to indicate the class and code of the article (the help automatically filters only the articles identified as Equipment in the Item nature field of the warehouse registry);
Variant: represents the variant of the article;
Quantity: represents the quantity of the article.
Quality Control
In this tab, mainly consisting of a grid, it is possible to view details of the planned quality control tests for the phase/subphase.
Phase Note
In this tab, the note related to the selected processing phase in the Phases tab is displayed. It is editable by the user at the same time as the production order in question.
Operating Instructions
In this tab, it is possible to attach and view the Operating Instructions related to the selected processing phase in the Phases tab.
In this tab, it is possible to enter the operators who will perform the individual phases of the production cycle.
Extra Data
For a detailed description of the extra data, please refer to the article Extra data.
For details on the common functionality of forms, please refer to the link Custom features, buttons, and fields.