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Picking Lists/Packing List (WPF and WMS version)

Picking Lists/Packing List (WPF version)


The Fluentis Loading Unit Picking List / Packing List offers an innovative method for managing the picking of load units, in contrast to the traditional picking procedure based on individual items. This feature is particularly useful when shipping goods to a customer, allowing for the grouping of items within predefined load units.

Creating a new picking list simply requires entering information such as the type of picking, the warehouse, and the user. Operators can then select already created and loaded load units directly in the "Load Unit Details" tab, thus facilitating the association of items to be shipped with the corresponding customer order. Thanks to the "Help Loading Unit" button, users can easily navigate among the available load units, making the selection process quick and efficient.

Loading Unit picking lists not only simplify the preparation of shipments but also allow for the direct generation of transport documents such as DDTs and invoices, containing all the necessary information regarding the items and load units involved in the shipment. This integration ensures a smoother and more effective management process in logistics and shipping.

With picking lists, it is possible to create a picking of load units, as opposed to normal picking which consists of single items.
From the Search form, previously entered lists can be searched.
To create a new List, click New.

The mandatory data to be entered are:
Picking type: enter the type of picking to be used;
User: enter the coded employee who creates the document;
User for conf.: enter the employee who has the right to confirm the list.

After entering the necessary data, it is possible to save the Picking List.
With the ribbon bar button Help Loading Unit, you can open the form to select the Loading Units to be picked.
The search can be made on load units linked to customer orders (by enabling the Search on sales order flag), thus, for each customer order, we can view the items that comprise it and if they have been previously entered into a load unit, in the table below we can see all the details related to the Loading Unit that contains them. Once the relevant Loading Units have been selected, they are added to the list.
Alternatively, by disabling the Search on customer orders flag, load units can also be searched among all those created, even if not linked to a customer order, and in the same way, they can be selected and added to our picking list.
In the Detail grid, only Loading Units in loaded status will appear, after which it is possible to save the List and close it.
Returning to the Search Picking Lists form, the List will be present with status Stopped. It is necessary to unload the Loading Units of the List (see Specific buttons below) to change to status Controled. Only with the latter status will the ribbon bar buttons Invoice and DDT be enabled.

Specific buttons:

Invoices: creates the invoice from the selected List; in the outgoing form, the Invoice Type to be created and any grouping to adopt are requested; the invoice is created already Unloaded (Scaricata) (to avoid the risk of double unloading).
DDT: creates the DDT from the selected List; in the outgoing form, the DDT Type to be created and any grouping to adopt are requested; the DDT is created already Unloaded (to avoid the risk of double unloading).
Loading Unit Management: selecting a Picking List and clicking this button opens the Manage Loading Unit form where the Loading Units of the list are pre-filtered. In this form, Loading Units can be managed at the warehouse level with the various ribbon bar buttons.

For all information on how to use this form from WMS, refer to the Picking Lists/Packing List.

Picking Lists/Packing List (WMS version)


The Picking Lists / Packing List function of the Fluentis WMS allows for the creation of a picking of load units, facilitating the preparation of shipments directly linked to customer orders. With this tool, users can effectively select, modify, and manage Loading Units, optimizing the picking process and ensuring correct documentation for shipments.

This procedure is used for creating picking lists with load units.

With the Loading Unit Picking Lists / Packing list it is possible to create a picking of load units, unlike the normal picking procedure that creates a picking list made up of single items.
Loading Unit picking lists are used when goods are to be shipped to a customer, while in the case of transferring Loading Units within warehouses, it is advisable to use Loading Unit Transfer Lists.

In the filter form, lists of interest can be searched by filtering: by insertion date, shipping date, and also by the status of the picking list; once selected, it is possible to open the list with the Open button, within which the user has the option to modify the load units contained in the Loading Unit Detail tab.
In this tab, it is possible to select an existing load unit and delete it from the list with the Delete pallet button; or, to add a new one simply by scanning the corresponding barcode.
Once modifications are complete, it is necessary to save the list using the Save button.

From the filter, a new list can also be created with the New button.
By default, the current date and the warehouse indicated in the Load/Unload Warehouse Parameters table for the user are proposed; furthermore, when entering the picking type, the list number is also proposed. At this point, the user can enter, in the Loading Unit Detail tab, the load units to be added to the list by scanning the corresponding barcodes. Once the entry is complete, it will suffice to save the list with the appropriate button.

Load/Unload Parameters to be entered in the Load/Unload Parameters for user.


For this parameter, the warehouse reason can be left empty.


If in the Load/Unload Parameters for user a single warehouse is associated for that user, it will be proposed by default; otherwise, if there are multiple warehouses associated, none will be proposed by default, and the user can only choose among those entered.

For all information on how to encode the barcodes to be scanned in the Input code field, refer to the page regarding the Barcode tokenizer.

Loading Unit Transfer Confirmation (WMS version)

Purpose (A cosa serve)

This procedure is used to search for and confirm an existing Loading Unit Transfer List to perform the warehouse movement.

The Loading Unit Transfer Confirmation form is used to confirm an existing Loading Unit Transfer List to perform the warehouse movement.

In the filter, it is possible to search for the list of interest by: date, number, and warehouse; it is also possible to confirm it directly with the Confirm button without having to open it.
Otherwise, it is possible to enter the list via the Open button and view the load units not yet unloaded and those already unloaded within the respective tabs: non-transferred load units and transferred units, before confirming it and creating the warehouse movement.

Load/Unload Parameters to be entered in the Load/Unload Parameters for user.


The parameters are entered twice because the form uses: a loading reason with the warehouse as the destination of the list, and an unloading reason with the warehouse where the load units to be transferred are stored.
Both reasons used must have the Bill of Materials flag deactivated and be without counter-party.

For all information on how to encode the barcodes to be scanned in the Input code field, refer to the page regarding the Barcode tokenizer.

Loading Unit Picking Confirmation (WMS version)


The ULoading UnitDC Picking Confirmation form is used to search for and confirm an existing Loading Unit Picking List / Packing List to perform the unloading warehouse movement.

In the filter, it is possible to search for the list of interest by: date, number, and warehouse; it is also possible to confirm it directly with the Confirm button without having to open it.
Otherwise, it is possible to enter the list via the Open button and view the load units not yet unloaded and those already unloaded within the respective tabs: non-unloaded load units and unloaded units, before confirming it and creating the warehouse movement.

Load/Unload Parameters to be entered in the Load/Unload Parameters for user.


This parameter must be created with the warehouse of the picking list and with a warehouse reason with unloading type and without a counter-party.

For all information on how to encode the barcodes to be scanned in the Input code field, refer to the page regarding the Barcode tokenizer.