User warehouse load/unload parameters
The User warehouse load/unload parameters allow for the introduction of restrictions for users. In the absence of these parameters, the user can perform movement operations on any warehouse, but this implies having to manually select a warehouse within each form along with the corresponding reason. Obviously, this operation is not correct and is not manageable by the operator, but with these parameters, it is possible to specify for each form and each operator, the warehouse and reason that will be pre-filled upon opening the form.
Specific Fields
Area: indicates the area to which the form belongs;
Module: indicates the module to which the form belongs;
Form: indicates the name of the form;
User: indicates the name of the operator;
Warehouse: indicates the code of the warehouse to be indicated by default in the form;
Warehouse description: indicates the description of the warehouse to be indicated by default in the form;
Warehouse template: indicates the code of the reason to be indicated by default in the form;
Template description: indicates the description of the reason to be indicated by default in the form.
In the sections dedicated to the forms of the WMS, the User warehouse load/unload parameters to be entered for each of them are indicated.