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New Material Consumption

The form opens by pressing the New button present in the form located in Logistics > Motorvehicle > Material Consumption.

This form allows you to create and manage a material consumption document specifically for the consumption of materials related to the entered vehicle.

The form resembles a warehouse registration and the data to be entered for the document header are as follows:

Motorvehicle: indicates the vehicle for which materials are consumed; this must be coded in Motorvehicle Management;
Number: allows you to manually enter the document number;
Responsible: indicates the user who created the document and is automatically entered;
Warehouse: indicates the warehouse in which the movement will take place;
Template: indicates the warehouse reason with which the movement will be made.

Subsequently, you need to enter, in the central grid List of executed operations, all consumed items by filling in the fields:

Class / Item Code / Item Description: indicates class, code, and description of the item;
Units of Measure: indicates the unit of measure of the item;
Quantity: indicates the quantity of the item;
Variant: allows entering the variant of the item;
Variant description: indicates entering the variant of the item;
Project: indicates the project associated with the item;
Description: indicates the description of the project associated with the item.

Additionally, in the table below, it is possible to enter the lots related to the selected item in the main grid.

Specific Fields:

Number Batches: indicates the lot number;
Vendor batch code: indicates the supplier lot code;
Start date: indicates the start date of the lot;
Expiry date: indicates the expiration date of the lot;
Quantity: indicates the quantity of the lot;
Location: indicates the code of the lot's location.

For everything not detailed in this document regarding the common functionality of forms, please refer to the following link Custom Features, Buttons, and Fields.