Motorvehicle Drivers
The table is located at Logistics > Motorvehicle > Motorvehicle Drivers.
In this table, it is possible to code the Motorvehicle Drivers that can be selected in Shippings.
The table allows you to insert new records or search for existing ones to view, modify, or delete them.
Search Motorvehicle Drivers
The form consists of a filter area and a results area. Once all desired filters are set, simply click on the Search button to view the results within the results grid.
Insert Motorvehicle Drivers
To insert new entries, click on the first empty row in the grid or press the New button.
For the new record, you must enter at least the mandatory fields required by the program: Name and Surname.
Additionally, you can also enter the following values:
- Driving License: allows you to enter the driver's license among those listed in Motorvehicle Driving Licenses;
- Assigned Resource: allows you to indicate the Project Resource assigned to the vehicle;
- Employee: allows you to indicate the associated internal employee;
- Assigned External Employee: allows you to manually indicate the external employee associated with the resource.
With the Cancel button, you can delete the selected record.
In the Driver Inactivity Period grid, it is possible to enter the driver's inactivity periods, which will be reported in the Planning. You can enter the following values:
- Description: allows you to indicate the description of the driver's inactivity period;
- From date: allows you to indicate the start date of the driver's inactivity period;
- A date: allows you to indicate the end date of the driver's inactivity period;
- Reason: allows you to enter the coded reason in Driver Off Time Reasons.
For anything not detailed in this document about the common function of forms, please refer to the following link Custom features, Buttons, and Fields.