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Payments List

The 'Payments List' tabulator shows, in the upper grid, the default setting of payments as inserted into the reference agent or vendor register: on section below, on the contrary, there is the list of maturities to be paid. As regards the professional men module it is necessary that at least one maturity was loaded, otherwise it will not possible to pay the compensation (and to detect the withholding-tax) or to account the same one.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the compensation in management. The list of features is the following:

New PaymentIt inserts the cursor during the insertion of a new payment line on the first grid of this tab.
Delete PaymentsIt deletes the payments selected in the first grid of this tab.
New MaturitiesIt inserts the cursor during the insertion of a new maturities line on the second grid of this tab.
Delete MaturitiesIt deletes the maturities selected on the second grid of this tab.