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Management Records

This form is essentially the same as the Historical Records Management, that is, it shows the result of the Process Periods but filtering only the rows that are directly attributed to project/job order, which typically will be the costs/revenues directly attributed to the analysis dimension for the project/job order.

The fields are the same as the generic form of the directional dimension, which are:

  • Detail account
  • Area
  • Corporate Center
  • Assignor Center, which will be populated only for rows related to drivers
  • Year
  • Date Range
  • Debit
  • Credit
  • Fixed value, which added to the subsequent variable value will give the previous Debit or Credit value
  • Variable value, which added to the previous fixed value will give the previous Debit or Credit value
  • Division
  • Currency, always the same as the company's currency
  • Periods distribution associated with the row
  • Type line, which can be:
    • 0 meaning source rows: used for rows originating from closures or manual area closure recordings, but also for allocation driver rows
    • 1 meaning ceded rows: for rollover drivers, these are the rows that reverse the value from the Corporate Center
    • 2 meaning received rows: for rollover drivers, these are the rows that roll over the value from the Assignor Center to the Corporate Center

The allocation rows are essentially the rollover rows of the Cost drivers that from the convenient Center Accounts to be reassigned populate the actual Corporate Centers of the directional dimension. The rollover drivers are essentially all the others.

  • Distribution type of the applied driver
  • Cost driver applied
  • Source, meaning the origin of the data, which can be:
    • Accounting (1), meaning directly from the Mid-Year Closing
    • Manual (2), meaning from the Off-balance records for area
    • Formula (3), meaning from recordings created by Formula
    • Depreciations (4), meaning from recordings created by the processing of depreciations from controlling
    • Adjustment (5), meaning from recordings of mid-year or yearly adjustment
    • Rate drivers (6), meaning from the drivers for applying the rates
    • Inventory (7), meaning from recordings of inventory in controlling
    • Production materials (8), meaning from costs for production materials
    • External workings (9), meaning from costs of labor accounts
    • Production transformations (10), meaning from internal processing in production
    • Controlling consolidation (15), meaning from the Master Consolidation procedure of controlling, in multi-company installations

There are another 4 types of data origins, visible in the project consolidated history:

  • machine time (11)
  • manpower timing (12)
  • machine rig time (13)
  • worker rig time (14)
  • Number, Year, Row, WBS: will always be populated by references to the projects

Deleting, modification, or data insertion in the grid is not permitted.