Physical Movements Posting
The Physical Movements Posting mask is where we can enter or view the data of the physical quantities that we will use for Controlling processes, for the drivers based on physical quantities, rather than for calculating rates of centers based on quantities. For some units of measurement, such as the square meters occupied by various centers to allocate costs of a company property, the entry will be done manually at the beginning of the year, loading data into the form or perhaps duplicating the values from the previous year using the appropriate button; for other types of physical quantities, such as machine hours or man hours, the table could be populated through the Data Retrieve from Production procedure, which totals, period by period, the data from the Production Declarations or activity hours on Project; another possibility is loading from an Excel sheet through the model PhysicalMovingControlling - Physical Moving Controlling available among the on-demand imports of Bizlink.
The fields available in the upper grid are as follows:
the Area of reference for the data
the Unit of measure
the Distribution periods to be used, which is a mandatory field for the Flow units of measurement. This indicates to FluentisERP how to divide the entered data over specific periods
the Date of registration of the quantitative movement
the Year of reference
the range From period and To period of reference for the entered quantities
the Status field, non-editable, indicating whether the row was loaded manually or what type of origin it has
In the lower grid, we will then enter the details of the quantities, particularly filling in:
the Center of Origin of the movement
the Destination Project, if these are quantities directly related to a project
the Destination Center, which is the center for which the previous Center of Origin has worked for these quantities
When a person from the technical office prepares the technical details of a quotation for commercial use, we will have the technical office's center as Center of Origin and the commercial center as Destination Center. The Cost drivers with Distribution Type 10-Reversion to production at standard rate, 11-Direct reversion at standard rate, 12-Reversion to production at calculated rate refer to the quantities of the origin and/or destination centers.
the Quantity valid for the row
an optional Note for the row
the fields Classification Code, Number, and Description of the asset linked to the entered row (populated, for example, for assets used in production, if quantity-based depreciations are employed)
the Division of reference for the row, which is relevant in companies with multiple active Divisions.