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Off-balance Records for Area

In addition to the Off-balance Records associated with the Mid-year closing of the processing period, in FluentisERP we have the ability to manage Off-balance Records for Area.

These records are no longer linked to a specific period closing, but are off-balance records associated with an analysis area and, as such, are always used in the Controlling processes in the year of record, depending on the economic competencies entered in the analytical movements contained within them.


At the beginning of the year, we will value in this section, for example, all those records that the general ledger will record retroactively or at the end of the year, such as the remuneration of the board of auditors or the director's fee. Alternatively, we can record month by month the twelfths of costs related to employee salaries, in order to allocate the additional monthly payments and various provisions that have monetary manifestations in specific periods of the year.

Once the relevant area is indicated in the search form, we can search for previously made records to modify or delete them, or maybe duplicate them to create valid movements for the new year, rather than using the 'New' button to create a new off-balance record from scratch. The record form mirrors that of general ledger and potentially uses the same set of templates.


However, we are interested in the data entered in the analytic accounting section for these records, as the general lines are irrelevant in the controlling processes: depending on habits and preferences, we might encode a specific template that directly presents the analytical tab and allows us to save a predefined zero movement for general ledger, so we can skip the valuation of this section.