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The table is located at the path Tables > Employees > Training Courses > Tutors.

In this table, it is possible to code Tutors.
Some examples of using Tutors can be found in the management of:

Basic Courses - in the Header info;
Training courses - in the Header info.

The table allows you to insert new records or search for existing ones to view, modify or delete them.

Search Tutors

The form consists of a filter area and a results area. Once all desired filters are set, simply click the Search button to view the results within the results grid.

Insert Tutors

To insert new Tutors, you need to click on the first empty row in the grid or press the New button.
For the new record, at least the mandatory fields required by the program must be entered: the Code and the Description.

Specific Fields


Code: this is the code of the Tutor.
Description: this is the description of the Tutor.

Internal Tutor

Code: this is the code of the Employee who holds the role of Tutor.
Surname: this is the surname of the Employee who holds the role of Tutor.
First Name: this is the name of the Employee who holds the role of Tutor.

External Tutor

Description: this is the business name of the Supplier who holds the role of Tutor.

Active: indicates whether the Tutor is still in office.
Start valid.: this is the date from which the Tutor assumes office.
End valid.: this is the date from which the Tutor ceases to hold office.
Curriculum: free notes related to the curriculum.
Hourly cost: hourly rate.
Notes: free notes.

For anything not detailed in this document regarding the common operation of the forms, please refer to the following link Common functionalities, buttons, and fields.