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Corrective Actions Parameters

The parameters are located at Corrective Actions Parameters.

The data present in this management is used to propose information in the management: Corrective Actions.

Specific Button

Save: allows you to store the modified information.

Specific Fields

  • Proposed action type: Type of action to propose in the case of entering a new Corrective action.

  • Proposed sector: Quality sector to propose in the case of entering a new Corrective action.

  • Proposed area: Quality area to propose in the case of entering a new Corrective action.

  • Proposed responsible person: Employee to propose as responsible for the creation of a new Corrective action.

  • Proposed responsible function: Company function to propose as responsible for the creation of a new Corrective action.

  • Color corrective actions

In this list, it is possible to define various colors to recognize the different states of a Corrective action. These colors are applied in the Corrective Actions Filter. The list consists of the following information:

  • Corrective action colors: it is the state of the Corrective action to which the colors should be associated.

The table contains predefined values from the system, and it is not possible to add new ones, delete them, or modify them. The predefined values are:

  • Approved;

  • Locked;

  • Closed;

  • To be evaluated;

  • Verified.

  • Background: it is the color applied to the background of the row of the Corrective action of the specific state.
  • Text: it is the color applied to the text of the row of the Corrective action of the specific state.

For everything not detailed in this document regarding the common functioning of forms, please refer to the following link Common functionality, buttons, and fields.