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Movement Types

The movement types set which function is enabled. Hereinafter all the details about the linked function for each movement:

  • Load: it is a function of WMS Mobile that enables the user to create a load warehouse record

  • Unload: it is a function of WMS Mobile that enables the user to create an unload warehouse record

  • Production Paying-in: function of WMS Mobile that enables the user to declare the production of a finished or unfinished product

  • Production Picking: it is a function of WMS Mobile that enables the user to unload materials, necessary for production, from warehouse

  • Production Return: it is a function of WMS Mobile that enables the user to determine the production returns through a warehouse load record

  • Load Adjustment: it is a function of WMS Mobile that enables the user to perform a positive warehouse adjustment

  • Unload Adjustment: it is a function of WMS Mobile that enables the user to perform a negative warehouse adjustment

  • Pallet Load: it is a function of WMS Mobile and of the ERP, that enables the user to perform the pallet warehouse load

  • Pallet Unload: it is a function of WMS Mobile and of the ERP, that enables the user to perform the pallet warehouse unload

  • Returns: it is a function of WMS Mobile in order to manage the materials return

  • Confirm Transfer: it is a function of WMS Mobile for transfer picking confirmation

  • Assign Location: it is a function of WMS Mobile that unloads the item from a default location and loads the item into the desired location

  • Move Items: function of WMS Mobile that enables the user to move items from another location. The warehouse templare to be linked should be an unload template with detail account

  • Purchase: it is a function of WMS Mobile in order to create purchase delivery note after a sales order and the related items warehouse load

  • Move expired lot: it is a function of WMS Mobile that enables the user to move the expired lots

  • Accept materials managed per lots: it is a function of WMS Mobile for the purchase delivery note creation after a sales order and the related warehouse load of items managed per lots

  • Cut from pallet: it is a function of WMS Mobile that enables the user to cut items from a previously created pallet

  • Sales: it is a function of WMS Mobile that is necessary in order to create the sales delivery note after a sales order or manual order and the related items unload from warehouse

  • Picking: it is a function of WMS Mobile in order to create a new picking or to confirm a previously created one

  • Pallet Inventory: it is a function of WMS Mobile that is necessary in order to create a pallet inventory

  • Pallet Transfer: it is a function of WMS Mobile that is necessary in order to create or confirm the pallet transfer lists

  • Pallet Load from Pallet Creation: it is a function of WMS Mobile and of the ERP, that is necessary in order to create pallet and the related warehouse load