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Task with Blockly


By default the Task Object Form opens the Script Editor and not Blockly, but if a change would be made to the code, after a save/compile while using Blockly, at the next startup of the Task, the default coding platform will be Blockly instead of the Script Editor.

Supervisor leverages customized Blockly's blocks to create C# scripts. Apart from the standard Blockly's categories (logic, loops, math, text, date, lists, colour, variables), the customized categories that can be found in the Toolbox are:

  • Context Variables, contains blocks for selecting variables from the current context and for converting a generic object in a string/number/...;

  • Dictionary, contains all the needed blocks to work with the generic collection type Dictionary;

  • Fluentis Objects, divided into three sub-categories:

    • Commons, contains blocks to perform common operations on Fluentis Objects (i.e. selecting a property of an object, creating a logical expression to filter an object, creating a recordset from a LINQ expression, ...);
    • Read Only, contains specific blocks for performing read-only operations on Fluentis Objects (i.e. reading values, filter elements of a collection, ...);
    • Read Write, contains specific blocks for performing read-write operations on Fluentis Object (i.e. creating and instantiate objects or contexts, setting properties or references of, ...);
  • Access to the Database, contains blocks that can perform operation directly with the database, like calling stored procedures or reading values from recordsets;

  • Activities, in turn divided into sub-categories named with the same group names that can be found in the tasks filter form and that can be created by the user. The standard groups are:

    • Utilities, contains all the standard activities (the user can not add new task or modify the existing ones in this group);
    • Examples, contains all the standard activities examples that can guide the user in the creation of a new custom Task (the user can not add new task or modify the existing ones in this group)
  • Globals, contains blocks that allow to retrieve global parameters or distribution lists

  • Task Utility, contains standard/common scripts useful across all Tasks;

To add code to a task with Blockly just drag and drop the blocks from the Toolbox into the Workspace. There is more than one Workspace in Blockly:

  • #STD manages the code inside the ExecuteTask() script's method;
  • TaskCompleted manages the code inside the TaskCompleted() script's method;

To change the current Workspace, just select from the section dropdown another value.

When the code is completed make sure to click the compile/save button and check if the script is also visible in the Script Editor by selecting the Script entry from the Script Type combobox (to change coding platform):

The script code generated will appear between two lines of comment (named // START WIZARD CODE and // END WIZARD CODE).