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Import Prices and Supplier Items

The import sheet opens from the path Applications > BizLink > On Demand Imports > Registries > Import Prices and Supplier Items.
In this sheet, which is very similar to Excel, there is a table where data to be imported can be entered. The columns in red are mandatory: therefore, it is necessary to enter the Item code, the corresponding Description, the Price, and the Quantity by Price. The other data can be freely filled in by the user according to their needs and include various characteristics of the item: Unit of measure, discounts, etc.

Moving to the second page of the import sheet, called BizLink Parameters, it is possible to enter the parameters that the procedure must use. In particular, for this import, it is necessary to specify the Company name and the Code name of the Supplier for whom the new prices are being imported, as well as a Start valid., the date from which the changes will apply. It is also possible to specify an optional date for the End of validity.

From the ribbon bar, various operations can be performed to facilitate the usability of the sheet. For example, it is possible to open a previously saved sheet with the Open button, save the current document with the Save button, view a print preview, and so on. These operations are part of the “File” tab. In fact, even further up the ribbon bar, there are various tabs that allow the user to perform various operations, which will not be covered in this video. The only tab that concerns us, besides “File”, in this course is “Importing.” By clicking the Import button in the "Importing" tab, the data entered in the sheet will be imported. If the operation is successful, the message “Import completed” will appear; otherwise, errors can be consulted in Incoming Documents of BizLink.

We can close this sheet once imported, and we can then move to the procedures for price lists, accessible from Purchasing > Supplier Price Lists Procedures > Supplier Prices.