DN Shipment from Warehouse
The mass procedure is opened through the path Sales > DN > Procedures > DN Shipment from Warehouse.
This procedure allows you to execute/restore automatic shipment operations from the warehouse of the items present in the DN.
Please note that this procedure can also be executed within the Header of the single DN using the button Automatic Shipment.
The mass procedure consists of three tabs, which we will analyze below.
In this tab, the user has the ability to search for and transfer the DN that have set the Printed flag internally and are therefore ready for shipment.
Specific Buttons:
Search: allows you to search for DN to be shipped.
Unload: allows you to execute the shipment of the selected DN from the warehouse, based on the shipment algorithms and the parameters entered in the following Parameters tab.
In this form, the user can specify how to handle exceptions for the item lines.
In this case, if the DN lines have not specified the warehouse and the reason for the shipment, the available options are:
- Do not perform the shipment of the entire DN: does not allow partial shipment of the DN.
- Skip the item without warehouse and reason: allows partial shipment of the document.
- Accept the following data as warehouse and reason: for all items found without warehouse and reason in the selected DN in the filter part, sets the data entered immediately afterwards, in the fields: Warehouse and Template (ensures complete shipment of the document).
Specific Button
Save Parameters: allows you to save the parameters set for the registration.
After selecting the DN (from the Filter tab) and setting the parameters, the DN can be shipped using the Unload button.
In this tab, the user has the ability to search, view, and cancel executed shipment operations that meet specific conditions for canceling warehouse registrations.
The data in the lower grids, DN and Record, corresponds to the selected shipment registration in the upper grid (after filtering the data). Additionally, in these last two grids, there is the possibility to view the DN and its warehouse registration (double click on the row).
Specific Buttons:
Search: to search for shipped DN. The result of this procedure is displayed in the results grid.
Cancel: to completely delete the selected shipment operations in the results grid, if they meet the specific conditions for canceling warehouse registrations.
Restore DN: to delete the selected shipment operations in the results grid, for the DN in use in the details grid.