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WPS Project Analisys

This procedure allows you to analyze the work progress statuses. In the filter area, you can specify a series of filters to search for projects more precisely. Once the filters are entered, you just need to click Search in the ribbon bar to display the results in the grid below. To carry out the procedure, select a row in the grid and click the WPS Project Analisys button by project in the ribbon bar. This will open a screen where you can consult the work progress information of the selected project.

In the Work project status tab, the completed progress statuses for the project are reported. Each row will contain one Work Project Status, along with the corresponding Number, Date, etc. If there are many progress statuses present, it is possible to group them using the Groups button in the ribbon bar, which will prompt you to enter a Title, and then group the selected progress statuses into a single group.

In the Summaries tab, using the Explode and Collapse buttons in the ribbon bar, you can view the various levels of the skeleton along with the related data.

Project budget: displays the costs and revenues established at the project level,

Work Project Status Type: reports the completed progress status and particularly indicates its type, number, and date; we will have as many columns of this type as there are completed progress statuses;

Current Project Status: is the sum of all completed progress statuses;

Budget Difference: indicates the current balance of costs and revenues.

It may be interesting to export the progress status to Excel, using the right-click menu, then Export.