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New Declaration

Normally, the Production declarations are generated automatically through Fluentis MES, but the user also has the option to generate them manually using this form.

Upon opening the form, it is necessary to enter the production order and the corresponding phase/sub-phase that you want to declare. In this way, the relevant data is automatically loaded at the top of the form.

In the central grid, the lines of the production declaration must be entered. The first data to enter is the Declaration Status, which can take the following values:

  • Opening: allows you to create an opening production report;
  • Interruption: allows you to create a suspension production report;
  • Resumption: allows you to create a resumption production report; it should only be entered after a Suspension;
  • Progress: allows you to create a progress production report;
  • Closing: allows you to create a closure production report;

Each production declaration must have as the first row an opening declaration that determines when the processing begins.
This can be followed by a progress or directly by a closure depending on the cases. The substantial difference is that the closure does not allow for additional declaration lines, while the progress does.
Additionally, it is also possible to enter suspension declarations followed by a resumption declaration in case it is necessary to stop production for some reason.

Specific Buttons:

New Declaration: allows you to insert a new declaration line;
New Interruption/Resumption: allows you to simultaneously insert a suspension line and a resumption line by indicating the date and time for each in the pop-up; the button is activated only if the last declaration status is Opening or Progress;
Recompute Machine Time: allows you to recompute the machine time for all declaration lines;
Recompute Worker Time: allows you to recompute the worker time for all declaration lines;
Insert declaration: allows you to insert a new declaration line after those already entered;
Delete Declaration: allows you to delete the selected declaration line;
Loading Unit Management: allows you to open the Load Unit Management filtered by the load unit related to the selected declaration line;
Create Loading Unit: allows you to create a load unit related to the selected declaration line. To create it, it is necessary first to manually enter Load Unit Type and Employee; Registration of Declaration: allows you to create the warehouse movement registration related to the selected declaration line;
Restore Declaration: allows you to cancel the warehouse movement registration related to the selected declaration line.

Specific Fields

Registered: indicates that the declaration line has been registered and the related warehouse movement has been created;
Date: indicates the start date related to the declaration line;
Hour: indicates the start time related to the declaration line;
Number: is a progressive number assigned to each declaration line (always starts from 1);
Declaration state: allows you to define the status related to the declaration line. It can assume the following values: Opening, Interruption, Resumption, Progress, or Closing;
Suspension reason: allows you to indicate the reason for suspension to be used for the related declaration line. It is enabled only if the Declaration Status is of type Suspension;
Batch: allows you to manually enter the lot number related to the quantity produced;
Quantity produced: indicates the produced quantity related to the declaration line;
Alternative Measurement Unit: indicates the alternative unit of measure used;
Alternative quantity: indicates the quantity produced in the alternative unit of measure used;
Deposit warehouse: indicates the deposit warehouse for the produced quantity;
Deposit template: indicates the deposit reason used for the produced quantity;
Depos. location: indicates the deposit location for the produced quantity;
Scrapped quantity: indicates the scrap quantity related to the declaration line;
Scrap Warehouse: indicates the warehouse for the deposited scrap quantity;
Scrap Reason: indicates the scrap reason used for the deposited scrap quantity;
Scrap location: indicates the scrap location for the deposited scrap quantity;
Machines: indicates the number of machines; indicates the description of the deposit reason for the produced quantity;
Machine number: indicates the number of machines used related to the declaration line;
Labour Group: indicates the code of the workforce group used related to the declaration line;
Workers number: indicates the number of workers used related to the declaration line;
Production site: indicates the code of the production site related to the declaration line;
Machine Minutes: indicates the machine time in minutes related to the declaration line; it is calculated as the difference between the date/time of the current declaration and that of the previous declaration;
Manpower Minutes: indicates the manpower time in minutes related to the declaration line; it is calculated as the difference between the date/time of the current declaration and that of the previous declaration;
Setup Minutes: indicates the setup time in minutes related to the declaration line; it is entered manually;
Employee: indicates the code of the user making the declaration;
Surname: indicates the last name of the user making the declaration;
First Name: indicates the first name of the user making the declaration;
Loading Units: indicates the load unit number, composed of year, production order number, and a progressive number;
Load Unit Type: indicates the type of load unit;
Load Unit Type Description: indicates the description of the load unit type;
Loading unit number: indicates the load unit number;
Unload Load Unit: Work in progress
Height: indicates the height of the load unit;
Width: indicates the width of the load unit;
Depth: indicates the depth of the load unit;
Suspension Reason Description: indicates the description of the Suspension Reason used in the declaration line;
Deposit Warehouse Description: indicates the description of the deposit warehouse for the produced quantity;
Deposit Reason Description: indicates the description of the deposit reason for the produced quantity;
Scrap Warehouse Description: indicates the description of the warehouse for the deposited scrap quantity;
Scrap Reason Description: indicates the description of the scrap reason for the deposited scrap quantity;
Machine description: indicates the description of the machine used;
Labour group description: indicates the description of the workforce group used;
Production Site Description: indicates the description of the production site used.

The lower part of the form consists of a series of tabs related to the selected declaration line.


In this tab, the materials used in the phase for the production of the article are reported automatically, but the user can modify the data and/or add further materials based on needs.
Of course, for the materials to be reported automatically, the phase must be the last of type Production and Movable present in the cycle; if it is not the last, it must still be of type Production and Movable and must have materials assigned to it directly.

Specific Fields

Material Load Unit: allows you to indicate the load unit from which the material is withdrawn;
Class: indicates the class of the article;
Item code: indicates the article code;
Variant: indicates the variant code of the article;
Units of Measure: indicates the main unit of measure of the material;
Consumption quantity: indicates the quantity of material used;
Alternative Measurement Unit: indicates the alternative unit of measure of the material;
Alternative quantity: indicates the quantity of material used in the alternative unit of measure;
Consumption Warehouse: indicates the code of the consumption warehouse of the material;
Consumption Reason: indicates the code of the consumption reason of the material;
Scrapped quantity: indicates the scrap quantity of the material;
Scrap Warehouse: indicates the code of the scrap warehouse of the material;
Scrap Reason: indicates the code of the scrap reason of the material;
Item description: indicates the description of the article;
Variant description: indicates the description of the variant of the article;
Consumption Warehouse Description: indicates the description of the consumption warehouse of the material;
Consumption Reason Description: indicates the description of the consumption reason of the material;
Scrap Warehouse Description: indicates the description of the scrap warehouse of the material;
Scrap Reason Description: indicates the description of the scrap reason of the material;
Priority: indicates the priority with which the materials are displayed,

Additionally, in the lower part, it is possible to enter lots and also serial numbers in the respective grids.

The Lots grid consists of the following columns:

Batch: indicates the lot number of the selected material;
Vendor batch code: indicates the supplier lot number of the selected material;
Quantity: indicates the quantity of the selected material for that lot;
Location: indicates the location of that lot of the selected material;
Start date: indicates the start date of the lot of the selected material;
Expiry date: indicates the expiration date of the lot of the selected material;
Account/Detail account/Account Description: indicates respectively the account, detail account, and description of the customer/supplier of the selected material.

The Serial Numbers grid consists of the following columns:

Barcode: the barcode code displays the serial number and other related information. For all information on how to encode the barcodes to be read in this field, consult the page related to the Barcode tokenizer;
Serial Number Type: indicates the type of serial number of the selected material;
Serial number: indicates the serial number of the selected material;
Start date: indicates the start date of the serial number of the selected material;
Cancelled: indicates that the serial number is in the cancelled state;
Batch: indicates the lot code of the serial number of the selected material.


This tab allows managing the team members who perform the work related to the selected declaration line by indicating the start and end date of work for each.

Specific Fields

Code: indicates the code of the operator working on the declaration;
Surname: indicates the last name of the operator working on the declaration;
First Name: indicates the first name of the operator working on the declaration;
Team Leader: indicates that this operator is also the team leader;
Task: indicates the activity the operator is performing;
Description: indicates the description of the activity the operator is performing;
Rig: indicates that the time worked by the operator will be calculated as setup time in subsequent analyses;
Start date: indicates the start date of the operator's work;
Start hour: indicates the start time of the operator's work;
End date: indicates the end date of the operator's work;
End hour: indicates the end time of the operator's work;
Creation date: indicates the creation date of the record;
Last edit date: indicates the last modified date of the record;
User: indicates the user who created the record.

Alternative Articles

This tab allows adding and managing all those articles (spin-offs) that are produced as a consequence of producing a main article.
Thus, they can be entered into the dedicated grid with the possibility of also managing their relevant lots and serial numbers. Of course, the lots and serial numbers are related to the selected alternative article line.

The Lots grid consists of the following columns:

Batch: indicates the lot number of the article;
Batch code type: indicates the lot code type of the article;
Lot Type: indicates the lot type of the article;
Vendor batch code: indicates the supplier lot number of the article;
Notes: allows you to enter a note related to the lot;
Quantity: indicates the quantity of the article for that lot;
Location: indicates the location of that lot of the article;
Start date: indicates the start date of the lot of the article;
Expiry date: indicates the expiration date of the lot of the article;
Account/Detail account/Account Description: indicates respectively the account, detail account, and description of the customer/supplier of the article.

The Serial Numbers grid consists of the following columns:

Serial Number Code: indicates the serial number of the article;
Serial Number Type: indicates the type of serial number of the article;
Serial number client: indicates the customer's serial number for that article;
Serial number supplier: indicates the supplier's serial number for that article;
Start date: indicates the start date of the serial number of the article;
Cancelled: indicates that the serial number is in the cancelled state;
Batch: indicates the lot code of the serial number of the article.


This tab allows specifying multiple suspension reasons with their corresponding minutes and is enabled only in correspondence with a line whose declaration status is Suspension.


This tab allows specifying multiple warehouses and scrap reasons with their related quantities and is enabled only if a scrap quantity is declared.

Extra Data

Allows managing and visualizing the Extra Data related to the report.

For an in-depth description of the extra data, please refer to the article Extra Data.

Lots and Serial Numbers

This tab allows managing the lots and serial numbers of the main articles produced through the appropriate grids.

The Lots grid consists of the following columns:

Batch: indicates the lot number of the article;
Batch code type: indicates the type of lot code of the article;
Lot Type: indicates the type of lot of the article;
Vendor batch code: indicates the supplier lot number of the article;
Notes: allows you to enter a note related to the lot;
Quantity: indicates the quantity of the article for that lot;
Location: indicates the location of that lot of the article;
Start date: indicates the start date of the lot of the article;
Expiry date: indicates the expiration date of the lot of the article;
Account/Detail account/Account Description: indicates respectively the account, detail account, and description of the customer/supplier of the article.

The Serial Numbers grid consists of the following columns:

Serial Number Code: indicates the serial number of the article;
Serial Number Type: indicates the type of serial number of the article;
Serial number client: indicates the customer's serial number for that article;
Serial number supplier: indicates the supplier's serial number for that article;
Start date: indicates the start date of the serial number of the article;
Cancelled: indicates that the serial number is in the cancelled state;
Batch: indicates the lot code of the serial number of the article.

For details on the common functionality of the forms, please refer to the link Custom features, buttons, and fields.