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1. Entering the VAT number in a new contact registry and clicking Propose Data in the ribbon bar, the generic fields are completed. Is there a direct link to the chambers of commerce or other similar service
Fluentis is connected with the VIES databases provided by the European Community, hence information on many Italian and European companies can be retrieved. Therefore, upon entering the VAT number, the known data will be proposed.
2. Is it possible to color the cells in the search grids as desired if they contain a certain value
Yes, this functionality is possible by using Conditional formatting. To choose the color to assign to a cell containing a certain value, position yourself on the column header, then right-click > Conditional Formatting > Manage rules. In the popup window, select New Rule to open the New Formatting Rule dialog. Here, select the type of rule desired from the list. In the Edit the rule description section, select [...] and in the popup window, enter the first value that the column could take; save. Then click Format and in the popup window, tab Fill, choose the color that the column should take if the value corresponds to the one just entered. Confirm. Create a new rule for each value that the column can assume. Save and refresh the form to view the result.
3. Is it possible to hide a certain type of invoice from a user?
Yes, with Restrictions. They prevent users from creating, viewing, or modifying certain types of documents. Below is an example of how to prevent a user from using the invoice type with code FVITDIF. Remember that it is also necessary to add the restriction in the user’s Arm profile, in the appropriate grid.