Vendor Items
The form opens via the path Home > Items > Item Search and allows for the search of all purchased items related to various suppliers and to insert new ones.
It allows for the insertion of new records or searching for those that already exist to view, modify, or delete them.
The form consists of a filter area, a result area, and a detail area. Once all desired filters are set, simply click the Search button to display the results within the result grid.
To insert new records, it is necessary to click on the first empty row in the grid or press the New button.
Vendor Items
Based on the previously selected filters, the results will appear in the grid: the supplier item with its description and variant, the account/subaccount and supplier description, the class/code and description of the item according to the internal coding, the class/code and description that the item has for the manufacturer (which may differ from that of the supplier), the commercial code assigned to the item, the quantity and weight, the packaging code assigned, and the barcode code if managed by barcode.
In this grid, it is possible to view, for each supplier item, more details related to the price and the linked quantity and UoM, the start and end validity date of that price, the discount category, and its description.
For all information not detailed in this document regarding the common functioning of forms, please refer to the following link Common functionalities, buttons, and fields.