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Index History

The index history is the point where we find all the historical data of our cost rates, which we obtain from the ratio between the totals of the numerators and denominators. The grid indeed presents the amounts, not directly the index of the single period.


When we use the indices for the cost drivers of allocation, we will take the single period for the Dimension directional drivers rather than an index elaborated perhaps from the sums of the numerators and denominators of the last twelve months when we are using a driver for the projects/job orders dimension.

In particular, we have:

  • the Area of the index

  • the Corporate Center

  • the Year and the Date Range of reference

  • the Fixed Value and the Variable Value: these are the two parts of the total costs attributed to the center through the Reclassification Model associated with the center itself

  • the four units of measure possible for each center: the Fixed Unit of Measure, the Second Fixed Unit of Measure, the Variable Unit of Measure, and the Second Variable Unit of Measure. The fields will be populated based on the physical indices and according to the settings of the individual center.

  • the First Fixed Quantity Unit of Measure: this field will be populated based on the physical indices and according to the settings of the individual center, it is the denominator for the fixed index, and the denominator for the fixed index for the first unit of measure.

  • the First Variable Quantity Unit of Measure: this field will be populated based on the physical indices and according to the settings of the individual center, it is the denominator for the variable index of the first unit of measure.

  • the Second Fixed Quantity Unit of Measure: this field will be populated based on the physical indices and according to the settings of the individual center, it is the denominator for the fixed index of the second unit of measure.

  • the Second Variable Quantity Unit of Measure: this field will be populated based on the physical indices and according to the settings of the individual center, it is the denominator for the variable index of the second unit of measure.

  • the Denominator, populated for percentage indices.

Deleting, modification, or entry of data in the grid is not allowed.