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Within the Managerial Accounting module, we have all the procedures for data entry and processing of accounting for corporate centers in areas of analysis different from the budget area: we will have the first entry of physical movements or off-balance sheet records for the area, the history of processed data (both physical and valued) for the year/period, various control and data extraction views, and the visualization of the final financial report of the data for the project analysis dimension.

To get started

We suggest referring to the section of the General Overview of Controlling for an overview of the tables and logical steps of the configuration, which should start from a precise analysis of the company's productive structure and the objectives to be achieved by implementing Management Control.

The module is structured into the following sections:

  • Journal entry: a first entry for data or area analysis registrations

    • Physical movements record: valued by production/project or manually
    • Off-balance records for area: automatically valued from depreciation or inventory, rather than manually
    • Standard rates of centers: manually managed
  • History management In this section, we have all the historical data bases processed

    • Physical flow history: the historical data base of physical movements
    • Historical depreciation: the historical data base of processed depreciations
    • Historical records management: the monthly and reprocessed data base from all drivers
    • Index history: the historical data base of cost indices processed across various centers
  • Procedures In this section, we find various data recovery and processing procedures

    • Data retrieve from production: to retrieve times and costs from projects, times from production, costs from internal/external processes
    • Data retrieve from Sales invoices: to retrieve commissions and applied discounts
    • Process periods: to process physical data, depreciations, and process the data base by applying drivers
    • Update production rates: to align the rates of production centers
    • Master consolidation: to create a unified group controlling
  • Project history In this section, we have all the historical data bases processed for those working on project/job order

    • Historical physical job order movements: the historical data base of the times and quantities worked on the project/job order
    • Management Records: the historical data base of direct project costs and revenues
    • Production values: materials and processes directly used on the project/job order
    • Job order consolidation: the resulting data base with direct, indirect costs, and cost allocation driver