Stock Difference
The "Stock Difference" report from Fluentis is a fundamental tool for monitoring discrepancies between physical stocks and logical stocks within the warehouse. It allows users to identify and analyze the differences that emerged during the inventory phases, enabling correct inventory management and timely adjustments to records.
Each highlighted difference is accompanied by information related to the involved items, allowing users to understand the origin of discrepancies and take necessary corrective measures.
The automatic generation of adjustment records further facilitates the process, ensuring that the accounting of differences complies with current regulations. In this way, the report not only contributes to operational efficiency but also ensures regulatory compliance in inventory management practices.
The print function allows users to view a report containing information related to filtered inventory differences. In addition to warehouse data, item code/variant, lot, location, order number/year, and customer/supplier, the physical and logical stock values of individual items are also listed. Moreover, the reason for the stock movement that will be used for creating the positive or negative adjustment movement, depending on the cases, is specified.
After entering the desired filters, it is possible to print standard reports or custom reports (after mapping in print management). If you want to print a custom report, it is necessary to select it from the list in the print parameters.
For everything not detailed in this document about the common functioning of print forms, please refer to the following link Preview and Print.