Batch Search
The form opens through the path Logistics > Batches Register and allows you to search for all lots in order to view and modify them.
Once all desired filters are set, just click on the Search button in the Ribbon bar to view the results within the result grid.
To open the details of a document, simply select it and double-click with the mouse, or click the Modify button.
Specific buttons:
Modify: this button allows you to Edit an entered lot;
Cancel: allows the deletion of the lot if it is not referenced in any document.
Specific filters:
All: activating this flag allows the user to filter all lots present in the database;
Not closed: activating this flag allows the user to filter only open lots, meaning only lots that still have stock in the warehouse;
Closed: activating this flag allows the user to filter only closed lots, meaning only lots whose stock is equal to zero.
Specific fields in the result grid (click on the + sign to open the row details)
Closed: the flag, if active, highlights that the stock is equal to zero;
Quantity: the column displays the initial quantity of the lot for each warehouse;
Available quantity: the column displays the available quantity for each warehouse of the lot, i.e., the quantity in stock minus the quantity committed in various documents. The available quantity may also be displayed as equal to zero if the lot is in a state 'not available for automatic withdrawals';
Batch Status: the column displays the status of the lot. This is a data point that may not be managed;
Warehouse: the column displays the code of the warehouse where the lot is located.
For details on the common functioning of forms, please refer to the link Custom festures, buttons, and fields.