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Form Navigator - Data Grid Settings

To set the grid with the option for full data loading, proceed as follows:

1. open the Form Navigator on the left, open Results Widgets, then the grid definition, and select the Grid object: the Grid Control will appear below where you can select the Load all data flag with the maximum number of rows to consider (Limit rows number).

2. re-execute the search in the grid to load all data.

3. this option must be saved in a profile, which can be stored and retrieved as needed: it should be noted, in fact, that loading all data will slow down data loading times:

Once this data management mode is defined, several options for totals/data management are presented:

By right-clicking on the grid header, a menu opens from which you can choose the Total Summary panel option, then right-click outside the grid, but corresponding to the column to be totaled to choose whether to display: Sum, Min, Max, Count, Average:

This totalization can also be set at the group level, always choosing from the menu the option Group by this column

If grouping by a date field in a total loading grid, pressing the right button on the grouping label will make the Group interval option available with the following options: None (meaning each date will be a different group), ‘Day', ‘Month', ‘Year', ‘Smart' where the latter will show the previous days, the last week, and then backwards by months:

Another option available with these groups on a total loading grid is sorting by the set sum, in ascending or descending order:

This results in something like this: