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Depreciable Fixed Assets Journal

The print mask for the asset register allows for the definition of the usual search filters for data extraction.

The Fixed Asset Category flag, if active, allows you to select one or more categories (using the Ctrl key) from the grid below.

On the right side: normally, assets sold or destroyed in years prior to the reference year entered will no longer be shown in the printout unless the appropriate flag is imposed.

There is also a button for including 'Terminated' assets in the report. Similarly, assets with an end of activity date in their registry will be excluded from the printout.

The flags


Partially depreciated

Fully depreciated

are active by default to display all types of assets, and those related to the types you wish to hide can be deactivated.

The Definitive printed flag will block the header data of the various printed asset registries, also preventing the deletion of individual printed lines and will update the page counter for the reference year within the general ledger parameters. The cancellation of the final print can be performed by an authorized user from the General Ledger Parameters mask.

Fiscal data: displays additional columns with tax data related to depreciations.

View header: if deactivated, it will not show the header in the printout, allowing you to print on pre-printed forms.