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Duplicate Items From Department.


Duplicates all the items from a company/department to another company/department. For each item the destination Item class is searched using the same Code as the original one and the destination Company.

Method TypeOperation
Fluentis ObjectFluentis.FluentisErp.Core.WM.FSItem

Request parameters

ParameterTypeIs RequiredDefault ValueDescription
ToCompanyIdshort(Company)Id or CodeIdentify destination company using Id.
ToCompanyCodestring(Company)Id or CodeIdentify destination company using Code.
ToDepartmentIdshort(Department)Id or CodeIdentify destination department using Id.
ToDepartmentCodestring(Department)Id or CodeIdentify destination department using Code.

Destination Company Identification

Is enough to specify ToCompanyId or ToCompanyCode parameter. If both are specified they need to correspond to the same company.

Destination Department Identification

Is enough to specify ToDepartmentId or ToDepartmentCode parameter. If both are specified they need to correspond to the same department.