Get Items Availability.
Url | api/public/FluentisErp/WM/Common/GetItemsAvailability |
HTTP Method | POST |
Method Type | Operation |
Fluentis Object | None |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Is Required | Default Value | Description |
AvailabilityDate | date-time | No | Today | The date of the availability of the article |
AvailabilityEndDate | date-time | No | One month from today | The end date until which the availability of the article should be checked. This value will filter each document, and no document with a date later than this will be considered |
ConsiderLogisticsAvailability | bool | No | True | Whether to consider logistics availability when checking item availability |
ConsiderProductionAvailability | bool | No | True | Whether to consider production availability when checking item availability |
ConsiderPurchasesAvailability | bool | No | True | Whether to consider purchase availability when checking item availability |
ConsiderSalesAvailability | bool | No | True | Whether to consider sales availability when checking item availability |
ConsiderStockUnavailable | bool | No | True | Whether to consider stock unavailability when checking item availability |
ConsiderSubcontractorAvailability | bool | No | True | Whether to consider subcontractor availability when checking item availability |
Items | array | No | Empty list | List of ItemIdentification objects representing specific items to check availability for |
ItemVariants | array | No | Empty list | List of ItemVariantIdentification objects representing specific items to check availability for |
ItemCode | string | No | Empty string | The code identifying the item. If a value is provided, all the articles with a code that starts with this will be considered |
ItemDescription | string | No | Empty string | A description of the item. If a value is provided, all the articles with a description that starts with this will be considered |
ItemClassCode | string | No | Empty string | The code representing the classification of the item. If a value is provided, all the articles with a class that has this code will be considered |
ItemClassId | int? | No | null | The ID representing the classification of the item |
Cumulative | bool | No | false | Whether to calculate cumulative availability |
SummaryFlag | bool | No | false | Whether to include a summary in the availability check |
TodayDateIsNotDelayed | bool | No | false | Whether the current date should not be considered as delayed |
IncludeDetails | bool | No | false | Whether to include detailed information in the availability check. If the value is true, then each row will have details from where the availability summary is coming from. For more details, click here: Include Details |
ViewLinesWithoutAvailability | bool | No | false | Whether to include lines without availability in the results |
DefaultPurchaseDocumentDate | date-time | No | null | The default date for purchase documents |
DefaultSalesDocumentDate | date-time | No | null | The default date for sales documents |
BillOfMaterialsDetail | bool | No | false | Whether to include details of the bill of materials in the availability check. This flag can be set to true only for requests that include at least one and only one item |
ItemBarCode | string | No | Empty string | The barcode of the item. If a value is provided, then all the items that have this barcode will be considered |
ProductionJobOrderId | int? | No | null | The ID of the production job order associated with the item |
ProductionSite | int? | No | null | The ID of the production site where the item is manufactured |
ProjectId | int? | No | null | The ID of the project of the document associated with the item |
ProjectItemId | int? | No | null | The ID of the project item used in the document with the item |
VariantCode | string | No | Empty string | The code representing a specific variant of the item |
VariantDescription | string | No | Empty string | A description of the specific variant of the item |
VersionId | int? | No | null | The ID representing the version of the item |
WarehouseId | int? | No | null | The ID of the warehouse where the item is stored. This will also filter the results |
WarehouseCode | string | No | Empty string | The code identifying the warehouse where the item is stored |
HideTotalSummaryInformations | bool | No | false | Controls whether the item summary list from the main tab is displayed; if set to true, it will be hidden. |
SummaryByWarehouses | bool | No | false | Controls whether the item summary list is grouped and displayed by warehouse; if set to true, it will be shown. |
ItemIdentification properties
Property | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Id of the Item to unload |
ExternalSystem | string | Reference to External System for Item identification |
ExternalId | string | Reference to External System for Item identification |
ItemVariantIdentification properties
Property | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Id of the ItemVariant to unload |
ExternalSystem | string | Reference to External System for ItemVariant identification |
ExternalId | string | Reference to External System for ItemVariant identification |
Response properties
Parameter | Type | Is Required | Default Value | Description |
Id | int | Yes | 1 | The unique identifier for the item availability summary. It starts at 1 and increases by one for each row |
ItemId | int | No | null | The ID of the item. This is a unique identifier for the item within the system |
ItemCode | string | No | Empty string | The code of the item. This is a alphanumeric identifier for the item |
ItemDescription | string | No | Empty string | The description of the item |
ItemClassCode | string | No | Empty string | The code representing the classification of the item. |
VariantId | int | No | null | The Id of the variant. This is a unique identifier for the specific variant of the item |
VariantCode | string | No | Empty string | The code of the variant. This is a alphanumeric identifier for the variant of the item. |
VariantDescription | string | No | Empty string | The Description of the variant |
MeasurementUnitId | int | No | null | The Id of the measurement unit |
MeasurementUnitCode | string | No | Empty string | The code of the measurement unit |
WarehouseId | int | No | null | Warehouse Id |
WarehouseCode | string | No | Empty string | Warehouse code |
AvailabilityDate | date-time? | No | null | The date when the availability of the item was last checked or updated |
AvailableQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The total quantity of the item that is currently available |
QuantityInStock | decimal? | No | null | The total quantity of the item currently in stock |
AvailableQuantityInStock | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that is available for use or sale from the stock |
NotAvailableQuantityInStock | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item in stock that is not available for use or sale |
QuantityInDelay | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that is delayed |
PurchaseOrderQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The total quantity of the item that is on purchase orders |
PurchaseDeliveryNoteQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that has been delivered but not yet invoiced, based on delivery notes |
PurchaseInvoiceQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The total quantity of the item that has been invoiced for purchase. |
QuantityInReceiptList | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that is in the receipt list, indicating items that have been received but not yet processed |
PurchaseDemandQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The total quantity of the item that is needed or demanded for purchase |
SubcontractorLoadQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that has been loaded to subcontractors |
ResourcesRequirementsLoadQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item required for resource requirements |
ProductionOrderLoadQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that has been loaded to production orders |
SalesOrderQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The total quantity of the item that is on sales orders |
SalesDeliveryNoteQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that has been delivered but not yet invoiced, based on sales delivery notes |
SalesInvoiceQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The total quantity of the item that has been invoiced for sales |
PickingQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that has been picked from the warehouse for shipping or production |
SubcontractorUnloadQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that has been unloaded from subcontractors |
ResourcesRequirementsUnloadQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item unloaded from resource requirements. |
ProductionOrderUnloadQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that has been unloaded from production orders |
ProductionJobOrderQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The total quantity of the item that is part of production job orders |
Details | array | Yes | Empty list | List of ItemAvailabilitySummaryDetails objects representing specific items to check availability for |
Details properties
Parameter | Type | Is Required | Default Value | Description |
Id | int | no | null | The unique identifier for the item availability summary detail |
ItemId | int | No | null | The ID of the item. This is a unique identifier for the item within the system |
ItemCode | string | No | Empty string | The code of the item. This is a alphanumeric identifier for the item |
ItemDescription | string | No | Empty string | The description of the item |
ItemClassCode | string | No | Empty string | The code representing the classification of the item. |
DemandDate | date-time? | No | null | The date when the demand for the item was recorded |
Request | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item requested. |
Offer | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item offered |
AvailableQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item that is currently available |
DocumentQuantity | decimal? | No | null | The quantity of the item specified in the document |
MeasurementUnitCode | string | No | Empty string | The code of the measurement unit |
DocumentType | string | No | Empty string | The type of document related to the item availability (e.g., purchase order, sales invoice) |
DocumentDate | date-time? | No | null | The date when the document was created |
DocumentNumber | string | No | Empty string | The unique number identifying the document |
AccountCode | string | No | Empty string | The code of the account associated with the item |
DetailAccount | string | No | Empty string | The detailed account information related to the item |
AccountDescription | string | No | Empty string | The description of the account |
DocumentDescription | string | No | Empty string | The description of the document |