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Import Project Resource Activities.


Method TypeImport
Fluentis ObjectFluentis.FluentisErp.Core.PM.Projects.FSProjectResourceActivity

Tag priority

In the client application there are fields that are automatically proposed based on users selection, such as the start/finish/pause hours, that are based on the selected resource. So if the start/finish/pause hours tags are omitted in the file to import, the default values will be set automatically based on the resource. Here's an explanetion of the behaviour of the import based on how the tags are set:

example 1: the fields will be set as null.



example 2: the fields will be set as null.



example 3: the tags will be ignored and the default values will be set automatically



example 4: the tags are omitted in the file, then the default values will be set automatically

Also the ticket assignation in the activity declaration, overwrites customer and project fields. So if the import file has set customer A, project 1 and ticket XYZ (ticket has customer B, project B) The imported activity will have: customer B, project B, ticket XYZ

The same behaviour happens in the client application, on ticket selection the customer and project are proposed from the ticket, no matter what the user selected previously.